Deliver cost savings with powerful analysis.
ModMaster® helps you strengthen relationships and secure your book.
Lowest price and long standing relationship are the two main reasons employers choose or remain with their commercial broker. With ModMaster, you can increase your retention of current clients by providing them with risk analysis and cost saving action items.
Outperform the competition
Go beyond the low bid mentality to position yourself as the mod expert. Provide clients with prospects and compete with larger agencies on higher premium business by differentiating your brand.
Empower your clients to lower costs
Open your clients’ eyes to the impact of the mod. Identify costs drivers and trends with sophisticated analysis in turnkey reports. Provide strategies to improve the mod and save clients money.
Lock in retention
Deliver long-term cost reduction to make a lasting impact on the client’s bottom line. Support a safety culture, return to work and more. Help clients plan for future costs.
Free up your time for strategy
With some simple data entry, ModMaster performs the analysis for you. This frees you up from cross referencing expected loss rate sheets and performing complex calculations in order to spend more time managing the risk of your clients and growing your business.
“It’s been really amazing not only for onboarding new customers but onboarding prospecting, utilizing it for sales. It’s really an amazing product.”
— Jennifer Reginelli, Insight Risk Management
Everything you need to grow your agency.
ModMaster pairs perfectly with the following other product: Broker Briefcase® P&C Edition.
Speak with a SpecialistModMaster solves the complex problems you're facing.
- Close more business
- Make retention easy
- Cut down on your servicing time

Don’t just calculate the mod. Sell with it! 80% of employers don’t understand what a minimum mod or know what their controllable mod is. Rather than hoping for a lower quote, show your prospects how much of their premium is in their own control.
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Rather than hoping your clients don’t find a lower price elsewhere, rest assured that they see value in the trusted advisor role you’ll establish by using the client’s mod as the basis for risk management throughout the year.
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No more interpreting bureau worksheets or loss runs. Let ModMaster’s easy to read and interpret turnkey reporting do the work for you.
Schedule a DemoFEATURES
Here are just some of the features that set Modmaster apart.

Premium calculation
This allows you to communicate to his client the premium associated with various mods. In other words, you can answer, “What is the potential dollar savings you could have by managing your mod and by working with a broker to help identify areas where we can save money on the mod?

Quick Mod reporting
A quick mod is great for prospecting situations. It allows you to enter 8 values from the NCCI worksheet and create 6 reports in 5 mins. You can walk into a prospect meeting and show potential premium savings, specific loss sensitivity reports, primary and excess loss analysis, and more.

Full Mod reporting
You enter itemized payroll and loss data to get detailed analysis and reporting, including multi-mod comparisons, frequency vs. severity reporting and loss analysis reporting.

Live Chat
You have access to speak with our support reps while in the ModMaster product through Live Chat – get help and advice in real-time.

Smart reporting
Report filter that suggests different reports for different meetings and allows you to build their own reports and save them.